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Presenco has provided customized shaped tarpaulins since 1922. Since then, our team has constantly innovated our production method with the newest technology within the expansion programs and automatic cutting and marking machinery.
After the production, a tarpaulin can be used as a membrane to stop run-off, protect vertical surfaces against noise, light, dirt, cold. It can cover horizontal surfaces and uneven surfaces, enclose cases as well as be used as a container for air and gas.
You have the option to choose the colour and quality, but we can choose it for you, if you are only concerned about its practical use. This applies to shaped tarpaulin and flat tarpaulins as well as the need for cutouts, channels, ground cables, wiring, plastic windows, hooks, folds, rings etc.
All we require from you is a sketch drawn by hand as well as the purpose to which the final product is to be put. Then we match your drawing with our experience regarding durability and technical limitations. There are many colours and qualities available and we will be happy to send you canvas samples if you have specific requirements with regard to strength, colour or technical properties.
(+45) 70 300 199
(+45) 70 300 199